Empowering Survivors of Robert Kehoe and other mental health professional's abuse

The abuse of mental health patients is a national scandal. Report after report has been published and yet victims still suffer and mental health professionals are allowed, unchecked to continue their abuse. Following an intensive review of my own medical records, I have found abuse after abuse. The worst of these offenders is Robert Kehoe, who still practices today at Cygnet Hospitals In Yorkshire. Indeed he trains others to behave in the exact way he does, with zero compassion, falsifying medical records, being verbally abusive and offensive and in my case with little to no adherence to clinical guidelines. It was not the patients who stole from me, it was the staff.
He is not alone, of course, this field of medicine attracts predators and their prey are the vulnerable and voiceless, the disbelieved, and the powerless. Patients who come for support already traumatised are further traumatised by powerful, compassionless, narcissists. These perpetrators are widespread across inpatient and outpatient mental health care. They are nurses, therapists, and indeed in the case of Robert Kehoe, they are doctors and directors.
Very few of these people who engage in disgraceful and criminal behaviour ever face justice, and continue their high-status lives, with others believing they are kindly people, who help the vulnerable. Nothing could be further from the truth, hence this site was born.
I invite others to share their stories and unite to help each other through the trauma we have suffered at the hands of these so-called professionals. By joining forces it is my firm belief we can try to heal, and have our voices heard. Although several organisations such as Mind, NSUN and Rethink campaign on behalf of mental health patients, we are still nowhere near achieving acceptable levels of care and support.

Welcome to this site. It is intended as a cathartic place for people that have suffered at the hands of mental health professionals to share their trauma. And indeed to name and shame the offenders.
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Kehoe Medical Abuse is a dedicated platform committed to raising awareness about mental health abuse and providing essential resources for survivors. Our mission is to create a safe space for individuals to share their stories, find support, and access the help they need to heal and recover.